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Charlotte Avenue
Bicester, England, OX27 8BL
United Kingdom

The Glasses Case Shop is dedicated to offering a wide range of exciting and original glasses cases, reading spectacles, lens care and cleaning cloths and sprays, Sunglasses and optical accessories with a focus on fashion, style, quality and functionality.

GUARDIAN - Medium Glasses Case


Cases, accessories, Readers

GUARDIAN - Medium Glasses Case

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GUARDIAN black.jpg

GUARDIAN - Medium Glasses Case


Generous rigid glasses case in a compact profile and surprisingly lightweight.

Available in black, teal, or silver. With soft black liner.

Be assured your specs are safe with this everyday hard case - your eyes are priceless, so give your specs a case worthy of protecting them!

To ensure you are happy with your case, please check your frame will fit!
We suggest this case will fit a frame up to: 140 × 45 × 25 mm approx
External dimensions: 155 × 60 × 30mm approx

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